Experimental gathering / Open studio【Evacuation Orders for Forgetful Me and Us】
Experimental gathering 【Evacuation Orders for Forgetful Me and Us】was held at OAG Art Center Kobe, which featured viewing of the work-in-progress of Yamada’s latest work followed by discussion with the participants. The completed work will be shown on the upcoming group show held at OAG Art Center Kobe next year.
The catalogue of TOKAS-Emerging 2022 is available as a PDF file and can be downloaded from the following link.
Upcoming Solo exhibition
25.05.2023 – 12.03.2023 9:30-17:00 (Tue-Sun)
Tomioka city museum, Gunma
Solo exhibition
A Fire on My Palm
12.05.2022 – 26.06.2022 11:00-19:00 (Tue-Sun)
Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Tokyo
Current group exhibition
>>ARCHEtypus - Utopien sozialer Architektur
ARCHEtypus - Utopien sozialer Architektur
29.08.2021 – 03.10.2021
Kunsthalle Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Upcoming group exhibition
Nakanojo Biennale 2021
11.09.2021 – 11.10.2021
Isamamura, Nakanojo, Gunma
Upcoming group exhibition
>>Arche’ - Architecture of Universe
Arche’ - Architecture of Universe
19.06.2021 – 15.07.2021
Pavilion 0, Giudecca Art District, Venice, Italy
Group exhibition
>>Nakanojo Biennale 2021 Prelude
Nakanojo Biennale 2021 Prelude
30.04.2021 – 02.05.2021 10:30 – 17:00
Isamamura, Nakanojo, Gunma
Solo exhibition
The Pioneers
21.11.2020 – 28.12.2020 (Open only SAT, SUN, MON)
12:30 – 18:30 (Last entry 18:20)
Viento Arts Gallery, Takasaki, Gunma
Screening: MINIKINO Film Week5, Bali International Short Film Festival(Bali, Indonesia)
MINIKINO Film Week5, Bali International Short Film Festival
Venue: AF Bali / UMA SEMINYAK / UMAH NUSADUA, Bali, Indonesia
Date:October 8(TUE), 11(FRI)
Residency: Centre for the Study of Substructured Loss residency(London, UK)
>>Centre for the Study of Substructured Loss
Centre for the Study of Substructured Loss
London Autunm residency: 19.09.2019 - 20.10.2019
Upcoming group exhibition: Art in Romney Marsh(Kent, UK)
Art in Romney Marsh
Venue: St. George's church, Ivychurch
Date:September 21(SAT), 22(SUN), 28(SAT), 29(SUN), October 5(SAT), 6(SUN), 12(SAT), 13(SUN) 13:00-17:00
My film work "With Friction, As Friction" will be shown at The 49th Tampere Film Festival(Tampere, Finland).
Tampere Film Festival2019
program: JAPAN2
Date:7th Mar.(Thu)20:00- at NIAGARA, 9th(Sat)20:00- at PLEVNA
My film work "With Friction, As Friction" will be shown at Maebashi Media Festival 2018.
>>Maebashi Media Festival 2018
Maebashi Media Festival 2018 1st Dec(Sat)、2nd(Sun)
Date:2nd Dec(Sun)16:00-
Venue:mbf Maebashi College of Fashion Culture Art Space(Maebashi, Guuma)
Admission free
My film work "With Friction, As Friction" was shown at Wathann film festival#8(Yangon, Myanmar)
Program: Her effective time and space arrangement
Goete Institut Myanmar(Yangon, Myanmar) 8th Sep(Sat) 10:00 - 12:00
イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル2018に映像作品"With Friction, As Friction"がノミネートされました。
シアター・イメージフォーラム(東京)8月4日 - 8月12日※作品の上映は8月7日(火)
スパイラルホール(東京)8月8日 - 8月12日※作品の上映は8月11日(火)
ロンドン在住のアーティスト、Kaori Hommaさんの制作風景を紹介する映像を制作しました。
Brockley Open Studio 6月30日(土) - 7月2日(月)にて上映されました。
「群れたち」(S.Y.P Art Space,東京)
2018年2月24日(土)- 3月10日(土) ※月・火休廊
オープニングレセプション 2月24日(土) 18:00 - 20:00
アーティストインレジデンスプログラム、"End of Summer"(Portland, USA)に参加します。